Kalibrasi Easy laser Alignment
Dalam melakukan perawatan mesin-mesin, kondisi alignment mesin menjadi syarat mutlak agar mesin tersebut dapat digunakan dengan aman. Oleh karena itu diperlukan perlatan yang handal, dan akurasi yang tinggi. Salah satu brand tools laser aligment adalah easy laser. Dengan laboratorium terakreditas KAN serta dukungan manufacture, kami menyediakan layanan Kalibrasi Laser Alignment.

Kalibrasi Easy Laser Alignment
Easy to learn and to use.
Compact measuring units for use on most machine designs.
All wireless units (Built-in Bluetooth® technology and integrated rechargeable battery).
Large 5.7″ color display.
Programs with both symbols and text = are easy to understand.
True PSD technology with unlimited resolution.
Dual PSD, dual laser beams, and dual inclinometers for superior control and accuracy.
Produce PDF reports directly from the Display unit and save them to USB memory.
Fast service and support. 48-hour Express service if necessary.
Low overall costs during the entire lifecycle of the product, for example, servicing, accessories, etc.
Expandable / Adaptable. A range of accessories means that you can adapt the measurement system to your needs, now and in the future
Laser® E540 is a very powerful shaft alignment system in which the program guides the user step-by-step with both icons and text making the system very easy to use for everyone, regardless of prior knowledge. The E540 system includes measurement programs for horizontal machines, vertical machines, and alignment of machine trains with three machines. The measuring units are pre-mounted for rapid machine set-up. Start with the measuring units positioned anywhere through 360 ° around the shaft, then take any three readings down to 20° in-between. Then adjust the machine with the live values in both horizontal and vertical directions. A PDF report is generated automatically when the measurements are saved. Simple and efficient!
The shaft alignment system has a large 5.7″, bright color display that clearly shows all the steps of the measurement. The measuring units have TruePSD technology, which gives unlimited resolution. Twin laser beams, twin PSDs, and twin inclinometers give you superb control of the measurement in all situations. The measuring units are incredibly compact featuring Bluetooth® Wireless technology, an integrated rechargeable battery, and large 30 mm TruePSD detectors. This means that they are easy to install on most types of machines, even where there is limited space. The wireless technology gives you full freedom of movement around the machine that is to be aligned. Display units, measuring units, and fixtures are all very robust for the highest accuracy in demanding industrial environments.
– Display unit E-series E52
– Measuring unit S
– Measuring unit M
– Shaft bracket with chain
– Chain 900 mm
– Set of rods (4x 60 mm)
– Rod 120 mm
– Strap for Display unit
– Measuring tape 3m
– Cable USB A to B 1,8m
– Battery Charger (100-240 V AC)
– DC Split cable,for charging
– DC to USB adapter, for charging
– Case Plastic Shaft E530
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