In case you need clamp-on flow meters for check metering on liquid or gas-filled pipes, we can offer you a complete clamp-on flow meter rental service Our flow meter rentals can take place on a daily and weekly basis.
We offer you the best measurement system for your application:
Portasonic Plus for the portable flow measurement of any liquid media the FLUXUS G601 for the flow measurement of gas-filled pipes
Vibration Analysis & Condition Monitoring
With ISO certified vibration analysts and a long history of experience.
We provide vibration and condition monitoring services by integrating vibration technology with other technologies such as infrared thermography, oil analysis, etc
Instrument Calibration Service
We provide calibration service to assist customer in calibrating their inspection and measurement tools referring to national standards as well as manufacture calibration standards.
Laser Alignment Services
We provide laser alignment services including shaft alignment, bore alignment, and engine-level alignment including internal turbine alignment, bearing bore alignment, bearing pedestal alignment, diesel engine crankcase & cylinder bore alignment, etc.
Vibration Sensor Verification
The manufacturer of an accelerometer subjects the design to a wide variety of tests to determine output due to a large number of inputs.
Output characteristics commonly measured include sensitivity, frequency response, resonant frequency, amplitude linearity, transverse sensitivity, temperature response, time constant, capacitance, and other environmental effects (base strain sensitivity, magnetic sensitivity, etc)
If you need these services, please contact us immediately!