Selain jasa servis analisa vibrasi, kami memberikan layanan kalibrasi Vibration Analyzer semua brand termasuk kalibrasi CSI 2130/2140. Dalam pelaksanaan kalibrasi perlatan vibrasi tersebut, kemi melakukannya mengikuti standar nasional dengan laboratorium terakreditasi KAN serta dukungan dari pabrikan.


Emerson CSI 2130

Vibration testing is critical for the discernment of any machine with a rotating shaft in its operation.  From small motors to the giant generators used by electric companies, even the shaft of propeller-driven aircraft, both fixed and rotary wing–vibration testing is crucial to monitor the health of the rotating parts.  After an initial test to form a baseline set of measurements, a record of vibration measured with a calibrated vibration meter is a necessity to plan for maintenance and prevent catastrophic failure.  Calibration of the vibration meter allows flexibility in the choice of vibration meter used to track the vibration history of a machine, and thus properly plan for maintenance, and to prevent unexpected catastrophic failure.

The CSI 2130 stands alone as the industry-leading vibration data collector. In addition, the CSI 2130 can provide:

  • Advanced vibration analysis

    Kalibrasi CSI 2130/2140

  • Cross-channel analysis
  • Transient analysis
  • Dynamic balancing
  • Laser shaft alignment
  • And motor monitoring Routine data and corrective maintenance jobs can be uploaded to AMS Suite: Machinery Health Manager for analysis and reporting.

AMS Machinery Manager integrates data from multiple technologies, including vibration and oil analysis, thermography, and alignment, and balancing into a single database. Alerts generated by the AMS Machinery Manager can be exported automatically to AMS Suite: Asset Portal, where they are combined with alerts from other plant assets to provide a unified view of your plant’s health.

To complete the vibration analyzer with high-quality sensors and accessories, including an accelerometer, velocity meter, proximity, cabling, and junction box, please find CTC products by visiting here

Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai jasa kalibrasi serta jasa rental Rental CSI 2130 dan 2140,  silahkan hubungi atau 0815-1316-6131

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